Dropping OISJS

So this post isn’t going to contain any good news. Figured I’d just get that out of the way right from the start. For those not interested in hearing about my personal life I’ll put a tl;dr here: I’m dropping Ore no Isekai Shimai ga Jichou Shinai, I will be continuing Tanaka as normal, and Yandere Megami will be finished at Volume 3 but I will translate the 18+ chapters as long as there is interest.


Now for the main reason for this post. For the past nearly four months I’ve been dealing with a lot of medical problems. Just last year I found out I had a heart condition that my doctor believes I was born with but wasn’t discovered until, obviously, much later. This wasn’t so bad and managed easily enough with meds, but the pills made me feel terrible and if I didn’t take them I’d start to feel worse.

Come July (I believe it was right after I returned from the break I took from translating), I ran out of pills for almost a month due to issues with my former doctor. I felt terrible and it was around this time that I noticed a pain in my left knee. It constantly felt like it was going to give out on me.

As the days passed, this pain developed into weakness that soon spread throughout both of my legs. Just walking from my car into work had my legs feeling like jelly. I actually felt a sense of deja vu and was reminded of when I’d run the mile in track during high school. Except, I was now getting this feeling from walking fifty feet. I physically couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs as my legs no longer had the strength to get me to the top.

This was all in the first month.

I was finally able to get in to see a new doctor and he, at first, suspected I had West Nile Virus. After two tests for this, he still couldn’t definitively say that was the cause. The tests said I had the antibody but didn’t detect the actual virus. So a couple more doctor visits, some more meds, hundreds of dollars in medical bills, my knee actually giving out on me when I was walking downstairs, and we weren’t any closer to finding out what was wrong with me.

I will say at this point, some strength had returned to my legs and overall I was feeling a bit better, but I was (and still am) far from being 100%.

He recommended me to a specialist who I went to see in early October. Unfortunately, this didn’t really help anything either. I was given samples of this drug that was meant to be injected into me. I was on this for a month with some terrible side effects before I was taken off of them as nothing had improved. I returned to my family doctor due to the bills from the specialist being +$1000 per visit even with my insurance.

And that pretty much brings us to today. All of this has brought on a slew of other issues which has greatly affected me mentally. I’ve started on antidepressants for the first time after a recommendation from my doctor, and I’ve caused a lot of stress and worry with my family and loved ones. Which I think is what I hate most about all of this.

I don’t know why I’ve gone on so long about this. I just feel like I owe an explanation to those that are disappointed about me dropping OISJS. It’s not the most popular series but I know over a thousand people read it every month. I hate when I disappoint a single person so disappointing that many people just leaves a pit in my stomach.

But I know that I’m already straining myself as it is just trying to continue working to pay off bills and I can’t keep up with my current workload. I may come back to the series if nobody else has picked it up, but I can’t say when that will be.

I’m sorry if you’re disappointed. It’s hard to sound sincere through text but I truly am.


And one final note. Someone recommended that I ask for donations to help pay off bills. I won’t be doing this. I have insurance and earn decent money. If you want to donate to someone who needs it, I recommend you find a good charity. If I receive any donations for this, I’ll be grateful for your intentions, but I will promptly refund them.


View Comments (27)

  • I’m sorry to hear about your situation, and I do hope that it takes a turn for the better.

    Also, thank you so much for continuing to translate even though you are going through such a hard time. May God bless you with a brighter future.

  • Sorry to here about what you’re going through atm and thanks for providing content (mainly Tanaka for me :P). Tanaka is the best current web novel for me to read so when I rushed reading that you dropped a a novel, I was horrified. Thank you once again for providing and I hope you keep doing what your doing!

  • Sorry to hear about what you're going through atm and thank you for providing the translation for the best current web novel to read for me (Tanaka). Keep doing what you're doing and once again thank you!

  • Sucks to hear about your medical condition you need to just talk to me when you can message me, I know how you feel the disease isn’t the worst part is usually the medicines that fuck you over.

    And yes I’m very much interesting the 18 + chapters of yandere exclamation!

    • Thanks for the offer, but I usually don't talk about stuff that's bothering me or anything like that.

      Even this post I meant to write weeks ago, but I kept putting it off because I just didn't want to bother other people with my problems.

  • Please consider your own health before anything else. All the more as it has reached such critical points for you. You don't owe us any explanation, but I personally hope your max hp recovers well and steady.
    You are a fantastic and consistent translator. Your concern for us is way more than we deserve.

  • Woah dude gutted to read this. Take care of yourself and thank you for still providing us with translations. I wish you all the best

  • As Heis said, your own happiness and health is more important than anything. You’re translatong because you like it, so don’t be that worried about us. After all, we are very grateful wih you and youe hard work!
    Good luck and I seriously hope that you’ll get better!

  • We`ll be praying for you to get better so please take care of your health ?
    Remember that we are always here to support u

    Much love from the Philippines

  • I’m sad for your situation, but I’m really impressed by your principles on donations. It really takes character to keep hobbies as hobbies while in a tough spot.

  • Please get well soon. I appreciate your work and hope you will continue. I’ve used antidepressants in the past and they do help. The thing to remember is even if you are feeling better do not stop taking them. People sometimes think that they are cured but don’t realize that it’s the pills making them feel good. I also had a comfort food and a comfort show/movie to watch if things got tough.

    Again, hoping you have a full recovery!

  • My first advice to you is to try and earn back your mental health, is a fact that when you are stressed you will having health issues or even if you have health issues the stress is somehow boosting them. It will not be an easy task but seriously start doing things that you love or put you at ease or even better things that make you laugh. Basically you have to cheer up and in my opinion is the most difficult task when you are suffering. It demands a strong will to achieve it.
    Personally I don't trust doctors WHEN they cannot find the cause of the problem and then start giving you any types of medicines and samples. Search around the internet for other peoples experiences and opinions and try a more NATURAL way to solve your problems, if possible of course.
    If you have to drop completely all the projects to earn your health back, DO IT!! No second thoughts or whatsoever, because you live only once and the first priority is to look after yourself, your loved ones and your family. You don't have the slightest obligation to feel sad about the translations since you are doing this for free and goodwill and share it with us.

    I wish you to earn back your health, your smile and come back to us like never anything bad happened.

    Best Regards and wishes, Constantine

    • I actually really enjoy translating which is why I'm not dropping everything, but thanks for the advice on everything else.

  • I’m really sorry to hear this. Other than Spore, who retired years ago, you’re the best LN fan translator I’ve followed, and knowing someone as talented is having a hard time sucks.
    I wish I could help, but I guess all I can do, other than hoping everything goes right for you as soon as possible is, as someone with depression, to advise you to get on St. John’s Wort as soon as you get off antidepressants. It’s much tamer and doesn’t have the side effects in your organs and stuff, it’s over the counter, and while its effects are certainly not the same as prozac or the like, it has stopped me from spiraling since I got on it about two years ago. Not telling you to get off antidepressants and get on this though, but you’ll have to come off them eventually, and one usually spirals when that happens, so yeah.

    Best of luck.

    • Thanks. I've only been on them a couple of months now, but I'll have to ask my doctor about what to do when I get off of them.

  • Man, that totally sucks, as a leecher im always grateful for your work and im more grateful now after knowing how you didnt falter even with that much on your back, dont forget whats truly important in life: to take care of your health so you can keep translating in the years and years and years to come and translating more and better and more perverted series

    did i mention that im a leecher?

    so yeah, i cant leech from a corpse, unless is the corpse of a loli vampire so please stay alive

  • Thanks for your translation, they are really great work. And i hope you will be better soon, your own health matters most.

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