Atelier Tanaka – Volume 4 Chapter 4 Part 6

Volume 4 Chapter 4 Part 6

Thank you to Pablo for his donation and to EnvyingWrath who has a recurring donation that’s been going on for months now (before I even opened my donations).

Happy late 4th of July to any Americans. I celebrated it by rolling my ankle at work and sitting in bed for the last few days. It swelled up to about the size of a cantaloupe and even now it’s still about the size of a softball. Fun times.

Anyway, enjoy!


View Comments (15)

  • Well, The Fourth of July is all about doing spectacular damage to something you care about, so I guess you still followed tradition.

  • Hey Rhexr, are you purchasing your copies from BW? If so I can help you with cracking their drm. That way you’ll have full-sized images and the text in an easily readable txt format.
    If you’re interested send me an email.

    • I buy them off the JP Amazon site. They released a new version of Kindle recently that made it harder to remove DRM, but I got around it by just using an older version.

      Thanks for the offer though.

      • I see. Since the illustrations you posted have incredibly varying resolutions I was sure you were getting them through screenshots and therefore being unable to remove the DRM.
        Anyway thanks for the translations!


        • Ya that's how I did it for the first few volumes. I should probably go back and fix them at some point

        • Is it not still the same for the later volumes as well? Take the double spread of v9 for example. 1143x812px
          Or is wordpress resizing them automatically?

          • I'll have to check and see what the original resolutions are when I get off work. WordPress might be resizing them or the program I use might just pull them at weird resolutions

        • For reference, illustrations on BW are usually 2048 in height while double pages are 2048 in width.

          • I managed to pull them at a higher resolution but that has come with the added annoyance of a white border around all the images. The program converted full pages to images rather than just ripping out the images. Doing it the other way always pulled them at the lower resolutions without the border. Not sure if this way is any better as I find the white border annoying and any images like this one for example, look particularly bad. The resolution for these images is 2550 x 3300.

        • What program do you use to dedrm anyway? I’ve never bought anything from amazon but I’ve heard Apprentice Alf’s DeDRM Tool should work on that. https://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/
          And if BWs quality is anything to go by, you should be able to get far better quality from amazon. The following is an example pulled from the free trial, slightly lower quality than if you buy the book: https://i.imgur.com/qGX3zsk.jpg
          Thanks for the new part btw!

          • Yep, that's the one I use. And I've used multiple programs to rip the images from the pdf, all of them come out at the same resolution.

    • Don’t you get an epub file as a result instead of a pdf? If so you could simply extract the epub like any other zip/rar file and get the original images.
      But if those images are actually the original ones received from amazon then I guess amazon is just shit in this case. I’ve heard from others in the past that while amazon sometimes serves good, or even better quality than BW, they also often provide pretty shitty quality.

      • Tried extracting the images from an epub version of the book and it halved the resolution. Thinking it might just be Amazon at this point.

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